By Wayne Cunnington on Thursday, 23 February 2023
Category: General

A Delve into the Steyn on-line archives Or a Tale of 2 Halves

Mark Steyn has been attacking the negative changes to peoples way of life for years now i've been reading and through being cancelled by GB News and Ofcom it's now clear that there's a bigger picture becoming apparent at the studio or through targeted presenters there through assaults on other GB News colleagues who aren't reining in their anti government narrative enough as meted out by their overlords at the studio it seems to me.

Neil Oliver "the Coast Guy" has been delivering some amazingly inspiring and revealing monologues for a long time now and mid 2022 I was fortunate to meet him at the GB News studios and he really is a nice and mild mannered guy, but speaking fiercely on ever increasing globalist controls. To which he then found himself being attacked on social medias after Mark was forced to leave the station which i thought was rather interesting as he was one of the few to openly back him.

Next in the firing line, Calvin Robinson was also being attacked for his continued speaking out and being ridiculed for his statements on the bigger picture of the WEF working with Bill Gates, the "philanthropist" lover of people but so many now are building an iron will to keep on doing so luckily

Whilst cheaper, inferior copies of Marks great work in highlighting the often poorly covered vaccine injured and bereaved and the rape gangs and trafficking in many towns and cities up and down the country are occurring on GB News now, he has been returning to these and more over the last few weeks and with each successive show he seems to be getting stronger and stronger.

In response to his shows so far there's been some ridiculous attacks by a number of media morons for thinking it was Mark Steyn's actual house in a recent show he and his team released and it was nothing but lazy inept reporting purely put out there to pour scorn on the great man's return. Even on one particular show in response, the camera operator was asked to pan-around to show the various sets they use for the different mood-pieces and it was clear it was a studio, no surprise there really.

Becoming a member of Mark Steyn Online website gives you access to so much content, it's very surprising to see what's in fact there and I've often found myself scanning through its "Netflix styled tile format" on the days I've really not felt able to do much else. In fact it's a surprise at looking back at the shows over the years that I wonder why he never became a political leader with a clearly evident fight to raise awareness of rapidly changing landscapes in the world with his focus on challenging it being at his core.

I came across a very interesting and funny IPA speech in 2016 in Melbourne of his the other day and thought isn't it amazing how the same woke subjects are still being pushed heavily 7 years later like Climate, Trans etc but the only difference now being the insane drive to make them the new norm and for them to not be challenged whereas it was admitted on the show that they were able to be laughed at a few years ago but are now seen as deadly serious by far too many now.

A frequent guest of in the early GB News episodes was Douglas Murray who holds those political and war credentials that he's been taken more seriously for but with the ability to be quite engaging too with some offhand humour. It was Interesting listening to his narrative now and seeing how he has totally changed over the last year or so, and thought that his stance is maybe more or less driven by his newspaper Editor rather than his personally?

This reminded me of 3 Sun columnists I wrote to early in 2021, Trevor Kavanagh, Jane Moore and Nick McDermott of which only the last agreed to write a story challenging the narrative but which never got past his colleague interviewing me and sadly Mr Kavanagh just ridiculed me when I wrote him again last year, when previously he did actually sound very well-meaning and helpful.

Watching a few more of Marks old shows more recently and it's interesting to see the mix of guests that I can't remember much of in early 2022, yet that may be my faulty wiring since my injury.

Bo Snerdley, or otherwise known as James Golden on his 77WABC rush hour radio show and is such a nice guy and very knowledgeable too I've been discovering listening in live before and after the return of Mark's segments that used to be a regular feature and you notice that both of them have this amazing voice that instantly soothes you and watching back an old episode from GB News was the first time I'd encountered Mr Golden, and wow it was so cool seeing 2 powerhouses play off each other with a beautiful dynamic.

I find it fascinating that he worked on U.S. anchor host Rush Limbaugh's team and phoned up Mark one day to offer him an opportunity to be a stand in host whilst Rush was ill and potentially providing cover, watching an icon slowly fade but consistently be present to his faithful audience was a sight to behold he revealed on a recent anniversary tribute show of his passing. I didn't really know of Rush I'm sad to say but I picked up a lot of positivity from news snippets of his that showed a drive to protect his country that he loved so much, and his fight for truth & alternative media reporting and was determined to do so up until the very end. A very revealing comment on the tribute show was that he had ended the show with words to the effect of "wishing everyone well'" and "being right back" but which turned out to be the very last words spoken to his audience.

Looking back at once frequent guest turned Traitorous, Toby Young, I saw he was in conversation with James Dellingpole on a recent podcast and mentioned his recent chat with someone at Ofcom for an article he was writing that even shocked Dellingpole for his blatant support of Ofcom and GB News but sadly lacking any for Steyn at all sadly.

It sounds weird but on a few shows and conversations before this, it seemed Toby Young would've been attacking the authoritarian control meted out by government controls at any given opportunity but for the sake of an article he was prepared to discard several decades of friendship at the drop of a hat and happily talk trash about him and make a meal bought for him before the heart attacks a bitter pill to swallow.

Going into more catch-up shows on the handy tile layout i wasn't sure if I'd ever saw it previously but watching Mark's Robert F Kennedy Jr show and wow what a coup that was for the channel, a real banging episode delving into vaccines and Pharma's shocking history in shelling out massive fines over their products and their continuing intense drive to shut down the narrative over covid vaccines now. More recently Robert released The Real Dr Fauci book and then later an accompanying 2 part documentary containing nearly 4 hours of shocking fact on his mis-dealings and the corruption that's followed him and his connections to Bill Gates many years before.

Another early show of Marks from a Friday 7pm slot when he provided cover to GB News featured Conrad Black, a Canadian-born British former newspaper publisher talking about civil liberties and politics and linking in with his once employing Boris Johnson at the Spectator magazine and to which both had varying opinions of his "skill" at doing the job. Interestingly it was noted that Boris continues to be flaky and changes his opinion like the wind and using his description of "Climate being a complete load of bollocks" being in total contrast to when as PM he then totally got on-board with the narrative of it being critical "that we act fast to save the planet."

12 years ago, Mark appeared with Rob Long, a writer and producer in Hollywood and occasional writer for Wall St Journal and other media's and radio station shows that he's certainly got his finger on the pulse and be fully able to take on Steyn in debate and also provide a lead-in for a punch-line.

The show provided interesting takes on freedoms of speech which is one of Marks favourite themes, and the faults and dangers of political leaders was quite clear even then looking back at past U.S. president Ronald Reagan.

Highly in demand it's a wonder Mark manages to make all his interviews on time taking for example a Tuesday's Mark Steyn show followed by his Bo Snerdley segment but unlike days of old when shows went out live, there's now more leeway given to fit in guests in different time zones and schedules but it's evident that the team play a big part in controlling filming routines.

It was evident to see that in the early shows back that health issues continued to be a problem and regarding a recovery, it's easy to forget and get greedy and want some more of that 4 nightly episodic burst that we once had but it's good to have it back in any way, shape or form.

Watching Alexandra Marshalls launch show featuring Mark as a guest this time and I think it's Interesting to see who she has on next time, although a regular Steyn segment could be an interesting spin on things going forward maybe as all interviewers have a different angle on things. It was an interesting late night bonus before bed too due to the time zone difference with the new series for A.M. uncovering a woke War on Words and subsequently prompting Steyn's Abba memory over banning of the word Blue, some more GBN snippets and then covering victims of the vaccine media horrors.

I thought it was actually a very clever idea in taking those segments that made the Mark Steyn show so popular and expanding the time allowed to chat even more in-depth about the subjects that matter like woke agendas, illegal migration, child rape gangs and those injured and killed by jabs. So far this seems to play well with the audience now not fighting against a ridiculous succession of advertising breaks and just enjoying a more natural flow of discussion now and I'm looking forward to more of "challenging the narrative" content soon.

Unlike many of his former colleagues at "that" station we owe a huge thank you for his continuing to fight for us all and the vaccine injured special update was another good show showing that the pushback will continue regardless of whatever government departments say about our injuries being judged only worthy of paying out compensation through the VDPS if you're dead or missing limbs.

Many of us like Claire cannot work again with every day feeling like a waking nightmare not knowing if you'll see another sunrise, to which I thought more recently of this and wrote "A video idea" article purely as a way of creating an online resource as a body of work so mine and so many others voices and experiences wouldn't be lost like a "died suddenly" statistic.

On a lighter note, I'm loving the new additions to the show like Leilani, roving reporter asking the word "on the street," literally and with the Statman back with the facts that Ofcom so loves to hate, because they're true and back up all that the show states so clearly because these are what the shows fans loved about it.


Thinking about the constant censorship and the battles we all face to be heard I was thinking that surely "Real Lives Matter", as we have been abandoned by our Governments and Media and which is truly disgusting after they were all culpable in pushing this "safe and effective" poison on us, I thought out loud, "who will hear us after we're gone?"

Looking at the challenges to the narrative on social media it makes you wonder about the strange world we now find ourselves in, fighting against totalitarian and authoritarian regimes and enough wokeness to see us to kingdom come and it will be the complete ruin of us all if we don't all push back harder against this poison creeping into every corner of our lives that threatens the family dynamic.

How on Earth can it be right that schools see fit to educate young children on woke ideologies and tell them it's the new normal for them to think they're no longer simply boys and girls but no doubt some other pronoun instead and leaving many in a distraught state.

It's truly disgusting how government's are pushing full steam ahead with the Digital IDs and now even the traitorous MP William Hague is standing with Satan's child Tony Blair to push for them once more, because they "need to know everyone's vaccine status", it makes no sense now we all know of the lies spouted by Pharma that the safety & efficacy and potentially longer term harms too now becoming evident.

How bizarre it could be that by stating truths to better inform others during the Plandemic you could be labelled a misinform'ist but going a step further with proposed new government rules you could also be classed an enemy of the state, a deep dark dangerous road we're heading. For now The Lords have rejected this and many more incursions onto freedoms here, but a determined government won't rest on it's laurels sadly.

Just thinking of how many hundreds of MP's are happy to sit back and accept a bribe as mentioned by Andrew Bridgen MP recently in an interview that was in effect to buy his silence from speaking out about vaccine harms with funds or favours in acceptance of their silence, what a truly horrid world we live in that sees your fellow man cut down or stricken but you'd gladly turn a blind eye for a backhander.

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