
Stories behind the podcasts -In Interview Around the World

Over the last 3 years I've been fortunate enough to speak to many amazing people who've sh...

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  193 Hits

From humble beginnings we become strong

With all Campaigns there is always something that triggered the action, in this case the i...

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  180 Hits

The Great 2024 pushback - It’s Our time to shine

In an ever changing media landscape of stories once thought too outlandish and wild to be ...

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  182 Hits

Midazolam Murders - Breathtaking, Literally

By now, most reading my articles know of my Mother's murder by lethal protocols in hospita...

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  281 Hits

“A good death needs three things…” Dr. Luke Evans MP explains THAT conversation

 "I wanted to ensure that palliative services were fully equipped and up to speed," s...

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  1658 Hits

Big Congrats To The Paramedics Who’ve Played A Part In The Culling Of The Elderly. (You’ve Done A Fine Job!)

On September 24th 2021, a psychopathic paramedic injected my dad with a big shot of someth...

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  575 Hits
Cron Job Starts