3 minutes reading time (602 words)

A Coalition Of Independents - Just 650 Candidates Needed. Are You One Of Them?


 We don't presently have a government in the UK and we don't have local authorities. What we do have is a gang of criminals that refuses to leave our houses of parliament and our town halls. We could justifiably remove it or we could hold independent elections. Standing in the existing elections remains the best opportunity to get rid of it. There will be a general election in the near future. If everyone does the same as they do every time, the result will be the same as it is every time; the old political parties will win and there will be no meaningful change...

As things stand, every seat in England at the next General Election (and the vast majority of seats in Great Britain) will be won by the conservative, labour and liberal democrat parties. As things stand, even Andrew Bridgen, the first MP to debate excess deaths and the only MP to question the reintroduction of the Liverpool Care Pathway, will lose his seat.

Lots of new political parties are forming. I'll be blunt, - None of them have any chance whatsoever of winning a single seat. Most of the new political parties are behaving in the same way as the old political parties, attempting to incite division for the purpose of gleaning votes. Many of the newer hard-left/far-right parties are interchangeable, each reeling off the same generic list of communist/fascist policies, always inciting hatred, always attempting to divide the public. Some of the newer parties are establishment parties, which is why they get media attention, merely marketing themselves as anti-establishment; they have many of the same people behind them as the old parties, many of the same donors and even many of the same candidates; these parties are intended to mop up disgruntled labour/conservative voters so that they don't vote for anyone else and thus the status quo is maintained.

And yet, this General Election can be won. If we could find 650 members of the public, who are not corrupt, to stand as Independents and we all Vote and we all vote for each other, irrespective of political opinion, for the greater good of getting rid of the old parties, then we can win it.

In between now and the general election, the old parties will attempt to divide us. Every day I see newspaper articles featuring the latest poll telling us which party is set to win; they don't usually give us much choice. These articles are designed to rile us into voting one way or the other. If after reading a newspaper article you feel riled into making a decision, it's merely propaganda; Ignore it!

News reports and newspaper articles about Brexit, climate change, immigration, illegal immigration and asylum seekers will increase 'exponentially'. Immigration has pros and cons; most of the problems caused by immigration are not the fault of the people who have immigrated but are the fault of the old political parties, all of which continually and deliberately refuse to address them, allowing racial hatred to escalate for the purpose of their own political expediency. All these issues divide the nation and so benefit all the old parties prior to an election. If after watching a news report or reading a newspaper article, you find yourself picking a side (left-wing/right-wing, conservative/labour, hard-left/far-right, Israeli government/Palestinian government, Russian government/Ukrainian government, 'woke'/'anti-woke' etc. etc.), then you have been duped!

If you would like to stand as an Independent, please let us know at your earliest convenience: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

And join us on www.yoursay.social

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Comments 1

Guest - Tommy NE on Sunday, 17 March 2024 16:34

A great idea in theory. How would it work in practice? I am not knocking it just curious about how we make it work. So are you saying if we could rally together 650 potential candidates for each of the seats across england then they get voted in, we could effectively form a government of independent MPs?

Then, if that happened, who would be our leader? Would it be one of those 650 MPs? How would this be different to creating a new party? Why then don't you all simply join up to create a new party? Was Reform UK never an option? If not, why?

A great idea in theory. How would it work in practice? I am not knocking it just curious about how we make it work. So are you saying if we could rally together 650 potential candidates for each of the seats across england then they get voted in, we could effectively form a government of independent MPs? Then, if that happened, who would be our leader? Would it be one of those 650 MPs? How would this be different to creating a new party? Why then don't you all simply join up to create a new party? Was Reform UK never an option? If not, why?
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