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Patient Webinar Nov 2022 - Convincing the public that “we” care


 A patient Webinar carried out after the MHRA Board meeting the end of Nov 2022 and which I covered in a previous substack, that included ridiculous inflammatory comments such as injuries and deaths seen on the Yellow card system were an inconvenience to "us" being seen as a success, "we have champagne on ice" and "the MHRA are now going to be Enablers to the pharmaceutical industry to better compensate them sooner" rather than carrying out trials and testing beforehand and so delaying profits to be made, disgusting actions.

Henrietta Hughes Patient Safety Commissioner, in a webinar with Rachel Power.

Henrietta is a GP but is also enjoying her role as Patient Safety Commissioner which oversees the safety of patients in all things from medicines to medical devices and so far contacted by 100 people with various concerns from all sorts of things including vaccines and feels creating the safe environments for those with concerns is essential.

My submitted question: "What improvements to safeguards will you put in place to better protect patients from supposed "safe and effective" vaccines?" Which like many others submitted, and to this day, didn't receive satisfactory answers to sadly.

"We are talking about resources and where they could be better utilised for the safety of the patient and hearing those voices so they feel they're being recognised."

"Inquiries being held are essential and a showing of kindness is a good thing for staff and patient safety and well-being but can often be seen as a secondary act sadly," Dr Hughes states and "empowering those patients to provide valuable feedback to provide better services for themselves and others, this isn't being done effectively just now", which is pretty obvious to all who watched the proceedings going by the commentary left on the Private chat function which was then strangely disabled to remove the idea that there was dissent amongst those attending, what do they have to hide?

My submitted question: "Talking about community feedback groups in Drs offices and pharmacy's being essential for patients to be heard but to me there's no evidence of this actually happening? Patients aren't being heard and any feedback you give then goes negatively against you."

Henrietta stated that patients have the ultimate knowledge of what's happening to them and should be listened to as a way of setting a standard but it is a problem in healthcare that they at the same time aren't actually being listened to.

Talking of Allies in medical care and networking is key to building an ability to strengthening ties between groups to stop problems and harms happening in the future and the senior leaders seeming to be unapproachable with concerns and questions but offering a solution by improving that pathway.

Henrietta states she is looking into patient concerns and providing hope that improvements will be made by answering webinar questions quite thoroughly but I'm still feeling it's sadly lacking because even stating that working with MHRA to tackle patient feedback issues and the yellow cards reports that it "isn't perfect but it is essential to be used to get those patient reports submitted," oddly wanting the whole process to continue even fully acknowledging the system to be failing the patient.

Rachel Power made mention of those present in the webinar that were also present for the recent MHRA board meeting and felt they weren't being heard which i thought was a lovely acknowledgment by her because many of the same points and questions submitted just weren't being answered again today either.

It was Interesting to hear such a wide variety of people that joined the webinar from fellow vaccine injures, pharmacy practitioner's, parents as carers of adult children, agency nurses and so many more.

My submitted question: "Yellow-card reports have been removed and was admitted during the MHRA meeting, and not just VAERS submitted ones. Why? Data conflicts was quoted but our injuries are real and should be heard."

Henrietta did cover that there was work to be done with the MHRA concerning vaccine injuries and conversations were needed to be had with Sir Christopher Chope to tackle this, but my question is that as a GP, shouldn't the first aim to be to tackle the 'first do no harm' oath that all medical Drs undertake?

A very lacklustre meeting i thought for ignoring the elephant in the room being the vaccine injuries and harms seen, I'm sorry but there are thousands of people affected by vaccine injuries and to quote the yellow card site there are over a million injury reports and even a year and a half after watching this webinar designed to placate the concerned public it is still a critical and ongoing medical health emergency when vaccines are still being rolled out and pushed by Drs and medical "experts" that they should be removed from use, when will this happen…

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