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Join The Reclaim Party Revolution & Support Andrew Bridgen

Reclaim Party - Andrew Bridgen MP

Andrew Bridgen has joined The Reclaim Party and will be standing at the next election!

Andrew Bridgen MP for North West Leicestershire was recently let go from the Conservative party for making reference to the Holocaust when talking about Covid-19. They claimed he was being ant-semitic which is totally untrue. The actual quote was "As one consultant cardiologist said to me, this is the biggest crime against humanity since the holocaust" which merely references the scale of the issue and is in no way anti-semitic. 

The real reason he was let go was because he was brave enough to speak out about Covid-19 vaccine harm and other related issues. This is the kind of MP the UK needs.

If you are unhappy with the direction that the Conservatives and Labour are going in, then make your vote count. Vote for The Reclaim Party!

Andrew is a dedicated public servant and experienced politician, who many of us believe has the skills and vision necessary to lead the country through the challenges ahead. He has been a Member of Parliament since 2010 and has served as a Government Whip and Parliamentary Private Secretary. He has also held positions on several select committees, including the Treasury Select Committee and the Foreign Affairs Select Committee. This wealth of experience has given him a deep understanding of the workings of government and the challenges facing the country.

In a recent interview Andrew said:

"My expulsion from the Conservative Party under false pretences only confirms the toxic culture which plagues our political system. Above all else this is an issue of freedom of speech.

No elected Member of Parliament should ever be penalised for speaking on behalf of their constituents and those who have no such voice or platform.

As a vocal critic of the vaccine rollout amongst other issues such as net zero, illegal immigration, and political corruption the Party has been sure to make an example of me.

I am grateful for my newfound freedom and will continue to fight for justice, speech, and liberty. I will continue to serve my constituents as I was elected to do and intend to stand again at the next election." [source: Daily Mirror]

As a member of The Reform Party (or leader), Andrew Bridgen would bring a fresh perspective and new ideas to government. He has a track record of engaging with voters and listening to their concerns, and he would be able to build a broad coalition of support from across the country.

He has shown incredible courage speaking out about the biggest concerns of the UK public around Covid-19 vaccine harm and deaths, the misuse of Midazolam as an end of life protocol being administered without patient or family consent in UK hopsitals and carehomes, ULEZ, the changes being rushed through regarding the World Health Organisation (WHO) which will have an enormous impact on our freedom globally and more.

If you are concerned about the direction the UK is heading as a result of the influence of the World Economic Forum, WHO, global elites and a corrupt uncairing government, then you need to join us on our mission to ensure the right party gets in at the next election in 2024. 

Join other Reclaim Party supporters to discuss, debate and more!


Support The Reclaim Party & Andrew Bridgen

Andrew Brigden is now an MP for the Reclaim Party. Now more than ever our votes count. Join this campaign group and also visit PLEASE REGISTER TO JOIN THIS GROUP IF YOU WANT TO GET BEHIND OUR CAMPAIGN TO GET THE RECLAIM PARTY ELECTED AS THE NEXT UK GOVERNMENT!Also visit: https://www.reclaimparty.co.uk/ to register your support for the party!

Sign the petition to Get Justice For Andrew: 


Petition · Justice for Andrew Bridgen! · Change.org

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Comments 7

ALison May on Sunday, 07 May 2023 20:24

Count me in. I hope more MPs follow him. He has done more for british public in the last 12 months on his own than the whole lot of them have done in the last decade. I also just seen another MP on here who is also doing his bit for the people called Michale Elston. There surely must be more?

Count me in. I hope more MPs follow him. He has done more for british public in the last 12 months on his own than the whole lot of them have done in the last decade. I also just seen another MP on here who is also doing his bit for the people called Michale Elston. There surely must be more?
Guest - Albie on Monday, 08 May 2023 20:36

Mr Bridgen was our MP and a thoroughly decent man. The conservatives have let him and the brits down badly. I have been a conservative voter since i was able to vote 40 years ago. The shambles of the last 3 years has done it for me. They will never get my vote again.

My sister lost her life from the vaccine and nobody but Mr Bridgen was interested. He has put everything on the line for his constituants. I and my family appreciate this. We will follow wherever Mr Bridgen goes and support that party. Can you please tell us how we sign up to the campaign please as it isn't clear?

Mr Bridgen was our MP and a thoroughly decent man. The conservatives have let him and the brits down badly. I have been a conservative voter since i was able to vote 40 years ago. The shambles of the last 3 years has done it for me. They will never get my vote again. My sister lost her life from the vaccine and nobody but Mr Bridgen was interested. He has put everything on the line for his constituants. I and my family appreciate this. We will follow wherever Mr Bridgen goes and support that party. Can you please tell us how we sign up to the campaign please as it isn't clear?
Yousaf on Monday, 08 May 2023 20:42


Sorry to hear about your loss. Many of us are in the same boat so its good to support each other. The conservatives have destroyed our country, I can't think of one thing good about them. But if Starmer got in I think it would be the same problem so I too am behind a complete change and think Andrew Bridgen is part of the solution. It does need a coalition of some sort though.

There is a Register link in the top right of the screen, just click on that then go to Groups and find the one relating to this and join it.

Albie, Sorry to hear about your loss. Many of us are in the same boat so its good to support each other. The conservatives have destroyed our country, I can't think of one thing good about them. But if Starmer got in I think it would be the same problem so I too am behind a complete change and think Andrew Bridgen is part of the solution. It does need a coalition of some sort though. There is a Register link in the top right of the screen, just click on that then go to Groups and find the one relating to this and join it.
Gemma Wilson on Tuesday, 09 May 2023 09:35

I have joined the campaign group. Come on peeps we need to pull together on this! Also just spotted this man who is on to things


I have joined the campaign group. Come on peeps we need to pull together on this! Also just spotted this man who is on to things https://yoursay.social/videos/a-free-press-the-right-to-protest?from=listing
Guest - Jonathan on Saturday, 13 May 2023 09:16

They need candidates in as many locations as possible. I was going to vote for Reform Party but there was no option in our area so I didn't vote. I hope they get some good backers and hope that the public get to know about them and vote for them. I did wonder why they don't collaborate with the reform party and some of the others. I saw Andrew's interview and he said he wasn't aligned with them on some policies. Maybe they can have a re-think. Maybe put both party policies up for public vote here on yourvoice and see what the majority want and will back?

They need candidates in as many locations as possible. I was going to vote for Reform Party but there was no option in our area so I didn't vote. I hope they get some good backers and hope that the public get to know about them and vote for them. I did wonder why they don't collaborate with the reform party and some of the others. I saw Andrew's interview and he said he wasn't aligned with them on some policies. Maybe they can have a re-think. Maybe put both party policies up for public vote here on yourvoice and see what the majority want and will back?
Guest - Anthony-Bristol on Saturday, 13 May 2023 18:53

We witnessed the protest march today and went online to find out more as qas bery moved by it all. If they have an MP in Bristol we in our family will vote for them as feel politically abandoned. This could be a real alternative if enough of the country support this New party.

This has given us a glimmer of hope where we felt we had none.

We witnessed the protest march today and went online to find out more as qas bery moved by it all. If they have an MP in Bristol we in our family will vote for them as feel politically abandoned. This could be a real alternative if enough of the country support this New party. This has given us a glimmer of hope where we felt we had none.
Guest - Bradley on Thursday, 18 May 2023 00:01

Why don't you get together with the ukip and other parties to increase numbers? We want Mr Bridgen but if they don't get more MPs to join then it will be a wasted vote. We need candidates in every location. Ideally MPs like Mr Bridgen. I am not sure how politics works and this is the first time I have looked at the way I vote. I can't vote for any of the main parties as they are taking us down a path that isn't good for our society.

Why don't you get together with the ukip and other parties to increase numbers? We want Mr Bridgen but if they don't get more MPs to join then it will be a wasted vote. We need candidates in every location. Ideally MPs like Mr Bridgen. I am not sure how politics works and this is the first time I have looked at the way I vote. I can't vote for any of the main parties as they are taking us down a path that isn't good for our society.
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