2 minutes reading time (462 words)

Andrew Bridgen - Excess Deaths Debate January 16th 2024


The full 90 minute excess deaths debate this morning called by Andrew Bridgen and one that he admits still wasn't long enough to cover everything needed, was long welcomed by those in attendance and those viewing on catch-up also.

A very in-depth speech by Bridgen to cover links to firstly excess deaths by the Covid shots and a brief mention to links with lethal protocols on loved ones that seem to be being ignored by so many hence his frustration in getting an awareness of it brought before parliament so the proper consideration be paid.

Bringing attention to the failure that is the Covid Inquiry by many was incredibly important because hundreds of millions of tax payer money is being wasted in something providing nothing but being a box ticking exercise in improving pandemic responses rather than investigating the shocking harms inflicted by the Covid shots, lockdown and damage to the economy needlessly.

It was clear that there were going to be very inflammatory attacks by those still desperate to protect a failing narrative but what was clear that with comments rightly countering them it at least showed a stronger support by MP's acting for constituents.

Incredibly disappointing to hear George Howarth MP's comments attacking the credibility of Drs appearing in Parliament in Andrew's health initiative in Parliament as a basis for casting doubt on his address in the excess deaths debate but as one of his constituents who i know and who is vax injured also was extremely disappointed by his actions in yet again failing to look into the concerns brought to his desk on many occasions, has he something to hide with regards to interests in pharma for example as there is a major pharmaceutical industry in his constituency.

It was also very interesting hearing Dr Luke Evans casting doubt on the Correlation & Causality comments of deaths brought, bearing in mind his infamous appearance in a livestream video with Matt Hancock where both casually discuss the ordering of midazolam& morphine which has been known as having caused the deaths of loved ones of so many sadly with protocol NG163 but the big question I have is what caused his need to appear there and speak so much against welcoming an investigation of excess deaths?

So a very worthy debate and a much called for bigger presentation in the main house which Andrew had originally called for today but hastily rearranged and for a lot longer time to give so many more the chance to speak and feel they are getting constituents viewpoints expressed but because of Opposition comments and those made by Maria Caulfield which were uncalled for I feel and intentionally geared towards using up important time that others could've better used up in reflecting their concerns.

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