18 minutes reading time (3680 words)

So You Think The Liverpool Care Pathway That Bribed Hospitals To Put Patients On Pathway To Death Was Abolished? Think Again!

The Liverpool Care Pathway aka NG163 and NG191

An article was published 11 years ago (2012) by the Daily Mail Online relating to the Liverpool Care Pathway and NHS hospitals being incentivised to involuntary euthanise patients. It was one of many covered by news outlets at the time. The controversial pathway discussed in the article was 'supposedly' abolished in 2013/14.

Unfortunately, the Liverpool Care pathway (LCP) never went away. It was simply re-named to new protocols NG163 and NG191. What is effectively murder, has been allowed to continue ever since!

Our government have carried on authorising and incentivising the use of these protocols across UK NHS hospitals and care homes to this day. They were particularly aggressive in implementing these new protocols throughout the Covid-19 pandemic but have since ramped it up a gear on what appears to be a mission to end the lives of the elderly, vulnerable or anyone who is considered a financial burden on the Government. Don't forget, it's not just those who cost in terms of care and benefits, its anyone who receives a state pension.

The following two videos are screen captures from Bid Stat UK Tender website that were recorded today 19/08/2023 showing the bulk ordering of Midazolam for Covid-19 End-of-life preparedness. 

Note: Just a few hours later, Bid Stat have blocked the viewing of this information and put it behind a registration/login process. WHY? Because it is part of the evidence trail:

Bid placed in 2021 for bulk order of Midazolam

Bid placed in 2022 for bulk order of Midazolam

Summary Of the Daily Mail Article

Like most of the coverage at the time, the Daily Mail article exposed the concerning practice within the healthcare system, where hospitals were being financially incentivised to place patients on the LCP, under the guise of being a palliative care program aimed at providing comfort to patients who are approaching the end of their lives. However, the controversy surrounding the LCP arose more from its implementation, with critics arguing that it hastened patients' deaths through the withdrawal of life-sustaining treatments.

The article highlighted that hospitals have been offered substantial financial rewards (estimated to be over £30 million in a three-year period) to meet specific targets based on the number of patients placed on the LCP. This created a disconcerting alignment of financial incentives with patients' end-of-life care decisions, which should always have only ever been be driven by medical ethics and patient well-being.

The LCP involved various aspects, including sedation, withdrawal of life-saving treatments, and withholding nutrition and fluids. The article emphasised that patients placed on the LCP typically died within an average of 29 hours, which raised ethical concerns about the potential for hastened deaths.

Prominent critics, such as hospital consultant Professor Patrick Pullicino, expressed scepticism about introducing financial incentives into end-of-life care decisions. They argued that the subjective nature of diagnosing impending death influenced by financial rewards was inherently wrong and that cost-saving measures would be given priority over patient well-being.

The controversial practice was brought to light through a system called Commissioning for Quality and Innovation (CQUIN), which channelled additional funds to hospitals that met certain criteria such as increasing the number of patients on the LCP or achieving specific targets related to the pathway. This system essentially tied financial gain to the utilisation of the LCP and raised concerns about its potential misuse or overuse.

While proponents of the LCP argued that it aims to improve the comfort and dignity of patients in their final moments, critics like Dr. Tony Cole from the Medical Ethics Alliance contend that the program is inherently dangerous, unnecessary and open to serious abuse.

The article touched on the responses from medical professionals and organisations. The Association for Palliative Medicine, representing doctors in hospices and specialist hospital wards and on launching an inquiry into the LCP's implementation and impact. The Department of Health defended the concept of improving end-of-life care but emphasised that patient consultation and family involvement are crucial. 

What's Happening Now?

The end-of-life protocols NG163 and NG191 are unfortunately still being authorised in hospitals and care home across the UK. Neither the patient nor their family seem to be able to stop this, even though in the Nice Guidlines it advises to consult with patients and their family. There are hundreds if not thousands of stories from grieving relatives who watched their loved ones being 'murdered' and unable to do a single thing about it. You can find some of them here on YourSay.

There are reports of serious neglect and abuse of patients, family members being escorted out of hospitals by security for daring to challenge what was happening and a total lack of support from Social Services and Law Enforcement. 

Our Government as usual are in denial and choosing to ignore distressed families who want justice for what has happened to their loved ones. WHY? Because they are the ones who developed and implemented the strategies and protocols. They are the ones who bulk ordered millions of end-of-life drugs. They are the ones who ultimately benefit from the deaths. They don't want it to stop!

Original Daily Mail Article:


It was murder, says son of woman 'starved to death' on Liverpool Care Pathway as he calls for police inquiry | Daily Mail Online

Peter Tulloch (inset) has urged police to open a murder inquiry into the death of his mother who he claims was 'starved to death' at the Western General hospital in Edinburgh.

Liverpool Care Pathway: Family revive man doctors wasn't worth saving | Daily Mail Online

The family Andy Flanagan (pictured) have told how they rescued him from dying on the controversial Liverpool Care Pathway by reviving him with drops of water.

Mo Mowlam's doctor condemns Liverpool Care Pathway

A senior cancer specialist, who treated Mo Mowlam during her last illness, has condemned end of life care in the NHS as corrupt and scandalous.

Death row drug fed to dying Scottish pensioners - Daily Record

A drug given to US Death Row prisoners is being used on dying old folk in Scotland's hospitals.

David Beith died in Royal Cornwall Hospital despite seeming well ahead of routine operation, inquest hears - Cornwall Live

The hospital did admit that David Beith was placed on the controversial Liverpool Pathway for Death plan despite it not being signed by his next of kin

Victory for the Mail in aftermath of Liverpool Care Pathway scandal | Daily Mail Online

They said loved ones must be 'involved in decisions' in NHS hospitals to ensure the 'horrific' abuses and 'tick-box' culture created by the discredited Liverpool Care Pathway never happen again.

A good death: why end-of-life care must change – Channel 4 News

As a review recommends phasing out controversial national guidelines for care of the dying - which led to nurses shouting at families for giving patients water - is it time to re-think how we die?

New NHS death guidelines 'worse than Liverpool Care Pathway'

One of the first medics to raise concerns about the now discredited Liverpool Care Pathway says new protocols to replace it are more dangerous, and could hasten patients' deaths

NHS 'death pathway' killings exposed in shocking new parliamentary report - Catholic Herald

Christine Pulfrey remembers her mother as “very fit” and “in good form” when she was admitted to a private hospital in Hull fo

How the Liverpool Care Pathway was used as an excuse for appalling care | Daily Mail Online

Ministers announce the Liverpool Care Pathway is being scrapped within 12 months after a damning review review by Baroness Neuberger (pictured) revealed the dreadful way patients and their families were treated.

Controversial Liverpool Care Pathway 'a fantastic step forward,' says Jeremy Hunt

The controversial Liverpool Care Pathway for patients who are dying is “a fantastic step forward” in the way hospitals support the terminally ill, Jeremy Hunt has said.

'Arrogance' of doctors STILL using banned Liverpool Care Pathway | Daily Mail Online

Concerns over the abolished Liverpool Care Pathway has prompted NICE to issue new guidelines reminding hospital staff not to make 'snap decisions' on patients near death.

Lord Carlile: medics should face GMC over Liverpool Care Pathway

Doctors who put patients on a controversial end-of-life care plan without their consent should face being struck off, a leading legal expert has said.

Police probe Liverpool Care Pathway following death of pensioner | Daily Mail Online

Alice Johnson died on the discredited plan at Warrington General Hospital but her daughter Angela said she only discovered how her mother had been treated after her death.

Hospitals stripped of cash bribes for 'death pathway' in shake-up of controversial end-of-life regime | Daily Mail Online

NHS trusts have been receiving money for using the pathway, but MP Norman Lamb said these ‘bribes’ would have to stop unless it was shown suffering had been reduced.

60,000 patients put on death pathway without being told but minister still says controversial end-of-life plan is 'fantastic' | Daily Mail Online

A third of families are also kept in the dark when doctors withdraw lifesaving treatment from loved ones. Despite the revelations, Jeremy Hunt last night claimed the pathway was a ‘fantastic step forward’.

MELANIE PHILLIPS: Hope at last on the pathway to death - but the NHS still has a hole where its heart should be | Daily Mail Online

According to advance reports, the Government will announce today the end of the deeply controversial Liverpool Care Pathway. But we are still not at the root of our health-care problems, writes MELANIE PHILLIPS.

Catholics call for public inquiry into UK nursing home deaths | Catholic News Agency

Catholics are calling for a public investigation into why so many elderly people have died in U.K. nursing homes during the coronavirus crisis.

Rustie Lee accuses hospital of putting her elderly mother on pathway for dying patients | Daily Mail Online

Rustie's mother Eugenie Edwards was given just 48 hours to live when admitted to hospital and denied food, liquid and painkillers. The family contested the decision and the 87-year-old has since been discharged.

Veteran condemned to die by the NHS on 'death pathway' at Hammersmith Hospital | Daily Mail Online

Great-grandfather Josef Boberek was admitted to Hammersmith Hospital in West London with a chest infection, but died days later after doctors incorrectly told his family he was at death's door.

Number of prescriptions for the drug midazolam doubled during height of the pandemic  | Daily Mail Online

Official figures show out-of-hospital prescribing of the drug midazolam increased by more than 100 per cent in April compared to previous months. The claims are unverified and disputed.

Police to probe four death pathway cases at same hospital | Daily Mail Online

The deaths of as many as four patients after they were placed on end-of-life care pathways at the same hospital - Royal Albert Edward Infirmary in Wigan (pictured) - are set to be examined by police.

Unlawful End of Life Protocols | The People's Care Wa

The NICE Guidelines (NG163) brought in to deal with the outbreak of Covid-19, suggested the use of midazolam and morphine for breathlessness, agitation, as well as for end of life.

If you have lost a loved one to this cruel practice, please take the survey! The more people who take it the more insight we will have. Please also share with family, friends and across your networks. Lets get the truth out there! Click here or on the image below to take the survey. 

The following videos give a deeper understanding of what has and is continuing to happen. The first is a documentary covering the stories of family who lost their loved ones to involuntary euthanasia. The second video is Michael Elston who is raising awareness of the new Nice Guidelines for NG163 protocol:

Jacqui Deevoy is a freelance journalist who spent many years writing for major British newspapers. Around two years ago she began investigating how a banished euthanasia program had returned to British hospitals—coinciding with the onset of COVID-19. 

Michael Elston speaking from Altrincham Town Hall concerning NHS England's reintroduction of involuntary euthanasia as part of its response to the covid-19 pandemic because this country simply does not have enough hospital beds to treat everyone. 

Jacqui Deevoy is a freelance journalist who spent many years writing for major British newspapers. Around two years ago she began investigating how a banished euthanasia program had returned to British hospitals—coinciding with the onset of COVID-19. 

Michael Elston speaking from Altrincham Town Hall concerning NHS England's reintroduction of involuntary euthanasia as part of its response to the covid-19 pandemic because this country simply does not have enough hospital beds to treat everyone. 

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Comments 1

Guest - Jennifer on Friday, 25 August 2023 07:42

Oh my god it just gets worse! I have just been reading the awful story on here about a father who died at 64 and I am now 100 percent sure that this is deleberate by the government. They are killing us off. It looks like it has been going on for a long time from the stories I have read above. I am actually fearful of the day I ever have to go in to hopsital now. It looks like neither the patient or family have any control or say over what happens. Some of those links are distressing to read. We have an 87 year old mother and terrified that she might be next

I have just shared this website with my brother as think it will help him if he joins the group mentioned.

Oh my god it just gets worse! I have just been reading the awful story on here about a father who died at 64 and I am now 100 percent sure that this is deleberate by the government. They are killing us off. It looks like it has been going on for a long time from the stories I have read above. I am actually fearful of the day I ever have to go in to hopsital now. It looks like neither the patient or family have any control or say over what happens. Some of those links are distressing to read. We have an 87 year old mother and terrified that she might be next :( I have just shared this website with my brother as think it will help him if he joins the group mentioned.
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