5 minutes reading time (1084 words)

“They killed him, then stole his organs.”


As told to Jacqui Deevoy.

It was hard enough coming to terms with the realisation that my partner had been killed in hospital. He was admitted with a suspected chest infection. All he needed was some IV antibiotics and rest but instead he was given copious amounts of drugs, including hundreds of milligrams of the sedative Midazolam and the painkiller opioid morphine.

He was a fighter, in his fifties, big and strong. Despite being injected with endless cocktails of medications, it took over a week for him to die.

Of course, I only discovered this later, when I was able to access his medical notes. That's when I could see the full extent of what had happened. He'd been given so many different drugs, it was as if he was being used as some kind of lab rat, as if the doctors were experimenting on him. Many of the medications he was given were new, unauthorised, untested… How can this have happened? Who gave permission to the hospital to do this? I sure as hell didn't and I know my partner wouldn't have agreed to it.

I had absolutely no idea what they were doing to him at the time as he was hospitalised in 2021, at a time when visitors weren't allowed. He was all alone. No one to protect him or advocate for him.

The notes detailed how he'd tried to escape from the hospital and how he was then chemically and physically restrained. He was treated like a dangerous animal. They drugged him then killed him.

I was allowed in to see him on the day he died. It was the 6th of the month. I was at his side when he was injected with Midazolam and morphine. On the notes it says he was given 6mgs of each, but how was that possible? As far as I know, those drugs only come in 5mg vials. I have the hospital notes that show these details. I'm not a superstitious person but I was aware of all the sixes around me at that point. It was creepy and felt like more than coincidence.

The next day, I was distraught. I didn't understand how my partner, the love of my life, could have walked into hospital but never come out. I was caught in a nightmare.

I desperately wanted to know what had happened - why he had died - so I contacted a lawyer who asked the hospital, on my behalf, whether we could have a post-mortem. We were told that wasn't possible as my partner's organs had been removed. I was horrified. Surely the hospital would have needed permission to do that! My lawyer informed me that the law regarding organ donation had been recently changed and that, unless a person opts out, they're now automatically considered to be a willing donor.

I was so shocked - I'd not heard anything about this. But, when I checked, I discovered my lawyer was right. This just confirmed what I'd previously suspected - that my partner had been used as a guinea pig and that they'd taken his organs to perhaps see what effect the untested and unauthorised drugs had had on them.

My nightmare had now turned into a horror movie of the worst kind. I was traumatised, terrified and felt totally helpless.

To make matters worse, my lawyer decided he could no longer help me: he said that the hospital staff had followed protocol and he wasn't able to take things further. He wasn't prepared to question the protocols or confront those who'd implemented them. He said the guidelines being followed were legal so there was nothing more he could do. So these doctors and nurses are legally killing people.

I went to the police. They said that I should make a formal complaint to the hospital. So I contacted the hospital and demanded an investigation. The hospital investigated themselves and, months later, in a 20-page report, told me that everything was in order and that no crime had been committed. They even said that my partner had received "good care." I was disgusted by their response.

That was over a year ago. I don't know what to do or where to turn. The man I loved - and still love - was experimented on, murdered in cold blood, had his organs stolen and it seems there's nothing I can do about it.

I want to go fully public with my story but I have to remain anonymous for now as my partner's family don't know all the details and probably wouldn't want to. My partner had a big family and, although some of his relatives were suspicious about his death, knowing the full story could destroy them.

I won't give up though. I will fight for justice until my dying day. The murderers - those who allowed this to happen, administered the drugs and cut his organs from his body - WILL be held accountable. One way or another, I'll make sure of that." 

If you have lost a loved one to this cruel practice, please take the survey! The more people who take it the more insight we will have. Please also share with family, friends and across your networks. Lets get the truth out there! Click here or on the image below to take the survey. 

Playing God (Final Phase) by Jacqui Deevoy 

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The following videos give a deeper understanding of what has and is continuing to happen. The first is a documentary covering the stories of family who lost their loved ones to involuntary euthanasia. The second video is Michael Elston who is raising awareness of the new Nice Guidelines for NG163 protocol:

Jacqui Deevoy is a freelance journalist who spent many years writing for major British newspapers. Around two years ago she began investigating how a banished euthanasia program had returned to British hospitals—coinciding with the onset of COVID-19. 

Michael Elston speaking from Altrincham Town Hall concerning NHS England's reintroduction of involuntary euthanasia as part of its response to the covid-19 pandemic because this country simply does not have enough hospital beds to treat everyone. 

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Murdered In Hospital: My Mum Didn't Stand A Chance
Sedated to death by the NHS whilst waiting for a H...

Comments 3

YourSay on Thursday, 28 September 2023 07:04

This is extremely distressing and disturbing! This person's life was abruptly ended long before their time! Why are these 'MURDERS' allowed to happen? How are the NHS hospitals getting away with it. I don't know how these doctors can sleep at night knowing what they have and are continuing to do.

I really feel for the family. What a horrendous thing to go through. Why are the Police not investigating all these crimes!

This is extremely distressing and disturbing! This person's life was abruptly ended long before their time! Why are these 'MURDERS' allowed to happen? How are the NHS hospitals getting away with it. I don't know how these doctors can sleep at night knowing what they have and are continuing to do. I really feel for the family. What a horrendous thing to go through. Why are the Police not investigating all these crimes!
Guest - Andy V on Thursday, 28 September 2023 07:33

My fucking word! How do we know these bastards are not now targeting us for our organs? I read somewhere that there is a big market for this. There was also a series on Sky or Netflix not long ago about US hospitals killing people for their organs. This is getting so fuckin sinister now

My fucking word! How do we know these bastards are not now targeting us for our organs? I read somewhere that there is a big market for this. There was also a series on Sky or Netflix not long ago about US hospitals killing people for their organs. This is getting so fuckin sinister now:(
Carol Harmer on Thursday, 28 September 2023 07:33

These Drs know what they are doing, but they do it anyway...basteds

These Drs know what they are doing, but they do it anyway...basteds
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