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Palliative Care Funding Review: UK Government 20 Year Plan


Did you know the UK Government have been involuntary euthanising without consent from the patient or their family?

Are you aware that government incentivise the NHS to end lives using a version of the Liverpool Care Pathway (LCP) Protocol that was supposedly abolished in 2014? Did you know they are ending the lives of patients who are not at the end of life stage? 

The following document is a MUST READ. It sets out the 20 year plan which has been running since 2011 and ends in 2031. They never stopped using the LCP protocol, instead they renamed it to NG163 and later NG191 and have been religiously administering it since 2011 up to the current day. They show no signs of stopping! Click here to view the original source.

If you have lost a loved one to this cruel practice, please take the survey! The more people who take it the more insight we will have. Please also share with family, friends and across your networks. Lets get the truth out there! Click here or on the image below to take the survey. 

The following videos give a deeper understanding of what has and is continuing to happen. The first is a documentary covering the stories of family who lost their loved ones to involuntary euthanasia. The second video is Michael Elston who is raising awareness of the new Nice Guidelines for NG163 protocol:

Jacqui Deevoy is a freelance journalist who spent many years writing for major British newspapers. Around two years ago she began investigating how a banished euthanasia program had returned to British hospitals—coinciding with the onset of COVID-19. 

Michael Elston speaking from Altrincham Town Hall concerning NHS England's reintroduction of involuntary euthanasia as part of its response to the covid-19 pandemic because this country simply does not have enough hospital beds to treat everyone. 

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Comments 7

Gillian Anderson on Thursday, 07 September 2023 15:58

This is happening in hospitals all over our country and my mum was murdered this way along with thousands of others , the government and hospitals need to be held to account

This is happening in hospitals all over our country and my mum was murdered this way along with thousands of others , the government and hospitals need to be held to account
YourSay on Thursday, 07 September 2023 16:20

I read your story Gillian. It was heartbreaking! The UK public need to know exactly what's going on.

I read your story Gillian. It was heartbreaking! The UK public need to know exactly what's going on.
Kelly on Thursday, 07 September 2023 16:39

It is happening globally. It just calls it different things apparently. In US it is Obama Care, in Europe I think it is still Liverpool Care Pathway. I watched a video with Andrew Bridgen earlier, he said the MPs are aware of all these attrocities but doing nothing. I don't understand why this isn't breaking news as it is way more important than concrete in schools. My fear is I am going to lose a lot of family and friends over the coming months because they are going to really up the anti on this.

It is happening globally. It just calls it different things apparently. In US it is Obama Care, in Europe I think it is still Liverpool Care Pathway. I watched a video with Andrew Bridgen earlier, he said the MPs are aware of all these attrocities but doing nothing. I don't understand why this isn't breaking news as it is way more important than concrete in schools. My fear is I am going to lose a lot of family and friends over the coming months because they are going to really up the anti on this.
YourSay on Thursday, 07 September 2023 16:19

I read that they have been euthanising over 500K+ per year since 2011 and this is their target going forward until 2031. It doesn't matter if the victims are at end of life. Also saw they use a point system to score them. I can't remember but beilieve it was something like 1 for being 60, another for having an ailment like diabetes and so on. Also just being aged 80 put you on their target end of life.

This is state mass murder and they are not just targeting the elderly, they have euthanised all ages. It is important as many people as possible are made aware of their plans because they are about to unleash another false pandemic on us which includes lockdowns which they will use to push those target demographics through the NHS involuntary euthanasia sausage factory. AVOID GOING IN TO HOPSITAL IF YOU CAN - IT IS UNSAFE. WARN YOUR LOVED ONES!

I read that they have been euthanising over 500K+ per year since 2011 and this is their target going forward until 2031. It doesn't matter if the victims are at end of life. Also saw they use a point system to score them. I can't remember but beilieve it was something like 1 for being 60, another for having an ailment like diabetes and so on. Also just being aged 80 put you on their target end of life. This is state mass murder and they are not just targeting the elderly, they have euthanised all ages. It is important as many people as possible are made aware of their plans because they are about to unleash another false pandemic on us which includes lockdowns which they will use to push those target demographics through the NHS involuntary euthanasia sausage factory. [b]AVOID GOING IN TO HOPSITAL IF YOU CAN - IT IS UNSAFE. WARN YOUR LOVED ONES![/b]
Kelly on Thursday, 07 September 2023 16:42

There is a video by someone called Massed or similar circulating where they are saying all these things and they showed those scores to, like an 8 point system or something. Its all very dark and sinister this. I also read something today about nurses looking after stroke victims. The care has gone out of the system. Nobody seems to value lives any more.

There is a video by someone called Massed or similar circulating where they are saying all these things and they showed those scores to, like an 8 point system or something. Its all very dark and sinister this. I also read something today about nurses looking after stroke victims. The care has gone out of the system. Nobody seems to value lives any more.
Guest - Gillian Broughton (website) on Thursday, 07 September 2023 16:22

This happened to my Dad , three attends after made on his life in two separate NHS hospitals , a Dols and DNR was placed on him with no consultation, I applied for a court of protection and just three weeks before the scheduled hearing my Dad was placed on EOL again no Consultation, this was done in a care home were my Dad was illegally detained with the help of a fraudulently obtained Lasting power of Attorney.

This happened to my Dad , three attends after made on his life in two separate NHS hospitals , a Dols and DNR was placed on him with no consultation, I applied for a court of protection and just three weeks before the scheduled hearing my Dad was placed on EOL again no Consultation, this was done in a care home were my Dad was illegally detained with the help of a fraudulently obtained Lasting power of Attorney.
Carol Harmer on Thursday, 07 September 2023 18:54

This happened to my Mum...she was murdered by this protocol...this has been the LCP and then NG163...it dosnt matter what it's called...its premeditated democide...You do not need ant more proof than this 99 page Govt paper...This is what they are doing...This is their plan into 2031...FFS wake up because this will not stop until we make it stop....and one day it could be you lying in a bed with Drs putting you to sleep because you are too old...think about that

This happened to my Mum...she was murdered by this protocol...this has been the LCP and then NG163...it dosnt matter what it's called...its premeditated democide...You do not need ant more proof than this 99 page Govt paper...This is what they are doing...This is their plan into 2031...FFS wake up because this will not stop until we make it stop....and one day it could be you lying in a bed with Drs putting you to sleep because you are too old...think about that
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