2 minutes reading time (463 words)

THE VITAL VOICES OF THE VAX HARMED: If That's You Or A Loved One, Take Part in the COVID Vaccine Survey


In the battle against the COVID-19, vaccines were pushed out as the primary weapon to protect ourselves and our communities. These were touted as "medical marvels" with many claiming them to be "a global triumph against a deadly virus that would save countless lives". However, as with any medical intervention, vaccines are not without their risks. Many people were seriously injured, some with irreversible life-long conditions and many more lost their lives. 

Your Voice Matters

The COVID Vaccine Survey has been created to try and shed some light on this. For example, we want to know if the vaccines were really as safe as they claimed, how many vaccine injured are out there, whether certain batch numbers responsible for injuries, if people were targeted based on demographics, age, existing medical conditions and more! We want to hear from the victims themselves or from family whose loved ones have been injured or even died as a result of the vaccines. 

By gathering data directly from those affected, the survey aims to identify any patterns or trends in vaccine-related injuries. Your participation in this survey will help others, not just those who have suffered vaccine dammage whose voices go unheard, but those unsure whether to have the proposed new vaccines just released for Pandemic Mark II. Your voice matters, and your participation is crucial. 

Additional Information To Help You Complete The Survey

If you'd like to include details such as vaccine batch numbers or see what existing medical conditions are being shared across your healthcare system, you can apply for online access to your medical history. You will need to check the process in your country. The following applies to the UK only:

To access your medical records:

  1. Go to https://www.nhsapp.service.nhs.uk/
  2. Complete your details and submit - the verification process can take up to 24 hours
  3. You can log in anyway and just check regularly to check your verification status
  4. Contact your GP surgery and tell them you want access to your full medical records online (they also run through a few short verification questions such as what pharmacy do you use and the usual personal questions)
  5. Your GP surgery can set this up immediately for you. You should receive an email with your access details.
  6. You will be given a link to another website here: https://systmonline.tpp-uk.com/
  7. This system doesn't show full records of consultations etc. (it has issues) but what you can see is you history of vaccines (from childhood to aged 18), book appointments and check prescriptions and Covid vaccine details.
  8. Once you gain access use the first website instead ( https://www.nhsapp.service.nhs.uk/ ). Log in with the credentials you set up with that site (not those your GP surgery gave)
  9. Go to the section where it says GP Records. In there you will find your entire history including you GP consultation
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Saturday, 27 July 2024