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Truth Be Told, London - Holding the Media accountable

So, arriving at St Pancras slightly later than expected on a frozen morning my taxi rushed me straight to a nearby coffee shop to meet up with some social media friends who I've known since 2021, and since being banned on Twit I've since reconnected with through Truth Social and GETTR. Thanks for the coffee guys.

Seated only a street or 2 away from the Rally I had no idea that a few thousand people were huddled in front of what should've been the BBC building in Portland Place, that was in fact clad in scaffolding for "urgent" renovation works, I presume.

Cat Parker from an FB social media vaccine injured support group and over from the U.S. shared some lovely words and bearing in mind she is badly affected by the vaccine also and highlighted the cause to call for "peaceful actions that each and every one of you can do will make a difference". Reaffirming this again to drive it home that people need to think of responsible ways of making your voices heard.

The amazing Andrew Bridgen MP touched on his recent suspension for speaking out on those left injured and bereaved by their vaccine and how politicians should be answerable to us as we the electorate put them where they are now. He is also determined to keep on fighting for those people currently being ignored and censorsed that inundate him with their personal plight for helpe after being injured or suffering bereavement through having their vaccines. For all his efforts recently and risk to a political career the afternoon was greatly marked by his presence.

Mark Sharman's Safe & Effective documentary clips proved to be very emotional and very hard to see in a public place and up on a big screen too but so many are still unaware of this lovely reactionary piece to the injured's plight to not being heard. People all around me were greatly affected by scenes of people struggling through their injuries without any sort of help from the government and in fact many experienced a complete ignorance from them like myself. I did shed a tear or too even though I've seen this before, such is the power of emotion and knowing I was in such a very similar position to many of those featured and similarly unheard and shunned too.

Several vaccine injured and family members who lost loved ones shared their emotional stories and individual fights against government departments for justice and to be heard through abhorrent censorship and gaslighting. It was very hard to hear at times, emotionally that is but it did need to be driven home to everyone about all that people have gone through the last 2 years and what still needs to be done going forward. Tugging at your heart strings at one moment with personal plights and the next with rousing speeches as a call to arms, albeit peacefully. I could name those speaking and with their words spoken but i couldnt do the injured and bereaved justice but to say that they all did amazingly in first being able to speak out publicly but also in front of so many people.

Robert Malone's video recorded for the event highlighted his warnings over dangers to health from vaccines in late 2020 yet the pharmaceutical industry ignored this and pushed ahead with the vaccines that were provenly dangerous and actually toxic to the human body.

Matt Le Tissier's very outspoken and inspirational speech, calling out the media over their actions in shutting down debate over vaccine safety and efficacy to protect the pharmaceutical industry. Citing that the BBC should be renamed as the PPC which stood for the Pedofile Protection Corporation for its scandalous covering up of past presenters and historic sexual abuse cases. A little bit of crowd participation ensued after film footage featuring Rishi Sunak PM & Matt Hancock was shown that managed to pretty much unite us all with jeers and boos over such ridiculous reactions to Bridgens supposedly inflammatory Tweet.

With so many people speaking out, why doesn't the government stand up for the people that put the party into power, and especially help those in need now from taking a vaccine that they all said was safe and effective when sadly they've done absolutely nothing by way of assistance?

John Bowe and Mark Sharman in my eyes spoke briefly about people being prepared to stand up and fight against the injustices but little was said about John's helpline that handles calls that those injured seek out as a way of dealing with the huge changes to life that they're now seeing but not knowing of which corner to turn first and of course Mark was there to highlight his amazing Documentary Safe & Effective which was used quite heavily during the afternoon in various segments to bring home the true horrors we've all faced.

After nearly 3 hours of rousing speeches and deeply personal, and emotional stories it was time for the March to Number 10 Downing St whereby those carrying white roses could then leave as a visual protest against the harms and deaths the government has directly caused.

Because of the no doubt expected silence in the media coverage of the Static Rally, hopefully some form of media will decide it's in their best interests to display or cover some small part of the days events to further build momentum going forward.

As ever at these events it's also a lovely way to connect with fellow vaccine injured and bereaved with real-life encourage and support that a social media comment can't always provide and it was really nice catching up with many of them since the APPG meeting at Portcullis House at the end of last year over Vaccine Injuries.

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A Plea for Hope
Tackling Red-tape, Jobsworths and bureaucracy


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Saturday, 27 July 2024